The heroes of this project are prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment. I asked each of the prisoners to write what his dreams are and who he would like to be if he got another chance. A project whose implementation actually changed the fate of one of the characters. After six months, as a result of the disclosure of new evidence in the case, it turned out that Jacek really could not have committed a crime. He spent several years in prison. He is currently free and waiting for the resumption of the proceedings in his case. Published in Gazeta Wyborcza – the paper magazine „DF”:,127290,16952525,dozywotnicy.html
Peter 42 years old, in prison for nine years. He has a basic vocational education. He worked at laying cobblestones. He is interested in engines. In prison, in the framework of occupational therapy, he does caskets made of wood and copper. He wrote :” I was always fascinated in car racing, motorcycles. I bear punishment severe, because it’s well -deserved, and if it would have happened again, it’s better I stay here. I must admit that I would like to leave the prison.”,127290,16952525,dozywotnicy.htmlJulian , 34 years old, in prison for 11 years . He finished primary education ; in prison he did the high school program , he 's just finishing his diploma. He 's a Buddhist and meditates. Apparently he changed very much thanks to rehabilitation. He is interested in MMA. He wrote he wanted to ” challange myself as Mixed Martial Arts competitor, on real and big gala in the Octagon in front Fiodor Jemieljanienko”. Mariusz 40 years old , in prison for three. Before prison he was a construction worker. He is interested in football and martial arts. He wrote:” If the circumstances where different, I would like to have a normal family, a wife and two children and live like a normal person . I would like to have a small business. As for dreams I would love to play football in a big European club”. Cezary , 41 years old , in prison for 16 years. He finished trade school before the prison and run a resort. He has a wife and a child. He practiced professional wrestling. He interested in literature. He writes poems, screenplays and stories for children. He works in theatre circle. He works for the prison radio station and television. He runs his own show. He is interested in Japan and Buddhism. He wrote:” I would like to go on trip to Japan to learn about the culture and customs. He also has a secret dream to go the game of an American football team – the Oakland Raiders and see Sebastian Janikowski play „Leszek, 53 years old, in prison for 20 years. Vocational education. He used to paint signs. He is interested in art, especially sculpture. He is very religious, he reclaimed in prison: he 's an altar boy. He helps in other prisoners therapy- teaches them carpentry, sculpture and modeling. His works are sent to competitions, also creates for the WOŚP. He makes a lot of wood furniture. He wrote : „Art plays a huge role in my life. However , my main passion is evangelism, and it was my calling since forever. If the circumstances where different, I would devote myself to the without a doubt”. Rafał 39 years old, in prison for 18 years. He was car mechanic. He is interested in sports , especially running. In prison he handles sewing – balls, furniture upholstery etc. He was the only one who did not write vision of his life being free.
And … Jacek being asked how he imagines himself being free , he wrote :”I’m sitting at a desk lost in thought, with a structual diagram board of some kind of mechanism behind my back”. With this visit to the prison, Jacek’s new story is just beginning.
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